Healthy Breakfast Choices

How do I know if my breakfast choices are healthy?

  • Make sure your breakfast includes complex carbohydrates (such as whole grain cereal, wheat bread, fruit), protein (such as eggs/egg whites, lean meat, nuts), and healthy fat (such as peanut butter, nuts, light cream cheese)
  • Include whole grain products instead of refined products
  • Choose low-fat dairy products (skim, 1%, or 2%)
  • Limit intake of fried foods, grease, and extra gravies/sauces
  • Aim to include fruit in breakfast either as juice or whole fruit

Look for this week’s article to see examples of healthy breakfasts!

-Amy Goodson

amy-goodson-quarterback-ranchAmy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD is a registered dietitian for Ben Hogan Sports Medicine and serves as the sports dietitian for the Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, FC Soccer Dallas, Jim McClean Golf School, Texas Christian University Athletics, and University of Texas at Arlington Athletics. In addition, she is an adjunct professor and dietetic intern preceptor for Texas Woman’s University, Texas Christian University and the University of Texas at Arlington and is a state media representative for the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. . She received her Bachelor of Science degree in speech communications from Texas Christian University and Masters in Exercise and Sports Nutrition from Texas Woman’s University.